QDA Software for Marketing

How we support marketing analysis with QDA

Why use QDAcity for market research

Market research produces a lot of qualitative data from which you will want to synthesize actionable evidence-based recommendations. This is not so different from qualitative research in social science. Use QDAcity and put the research into market research.
Decoration image for QDA software for marketing

Methodological rigor

You can massively improve the rigor of your analysis by using tried and true analysis methods instead of analyzing your interviews ad-hoc. Researchers have been using QDA software and Coding techniques like Open Coding, Axial Coding and Selective Coding to synthesize qualitative data like interviews for ages. You can apply them in methodological frameworks like Grounded Theory or take a more pragmatic approach for market research by using the more flexible Thematic Analysis. You can use our vast knowledge base for best practices to improve the qualitative analysis of your marketing research.

You are curious about QDAcity now?

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Supported data

You can upload any textual data (transcripts of interviews or workshops) as text or anything in PDF file format. You can even upload your audio recording of conversations and our assisted interview transcription will generate a transcript of the conversation and you can review and correct it using our transcription editor.

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