QDA Software for qualitative research

Cloud software for your qualitative data analysis and coding interviews.

Decoration image for easy software for qualitative data analysis

The software for qualitative data analysis

QDAcity [Q'dacity] is software for qualitative data analysis (QDA) that helps you organize and analyse your data without installation of software on your laptop or PC. You can work alone, or with a group. It allows you to keep track of your statistics, while fully studying the impact of your research.

The cloud of your dreams

Our cloud-based QDA software is designed to be accessed from anywhere in the world, whenever you want. Windows, Mac, Linux? Doesn't matter, as long as your device can run a modern browser, you are good to go. Working in a group? No more sharing project files - QDAcity keeps everything synced up between all collaborators. You can even code the same interviews concurrently. And with QDAcity you don't need to ever worry about losing any of your analysis because of a failed backup. Your data is stored securely and you can create your own project revisions for milestones in your research project. Just create a free account, log in and start coding your qualitative data.

Need to transcribe an interview?

We can help! Since we are scientists ourselves, we know that a lot of work goes into preparing the data before it can be coded with QDA software like QDAcity. Transcribing your interview data is part of that tedious leg-work. We make it possible to upload your audio data, employ state-of-the-art speech to text software, and help you check and clean up the results of the automated transcription. This saves you valuable time which you can invest in analyzing your qualitative data rather than spending more time with transcribing the audio.

When to use QDAcity

There are many use cases for QDAcity that involve the Coding of qualitative data - probably even more that we can think of. We listed the following for you to provide a glimpse at what others use our software for qualitative data analysis for: doing your final thesis with interview analysis, being part of a research group that does qualitative research, teaching qualitative reseach method, or analyzing customer feedback. Feel free to try it out for yourself and see if it works for your specific project involving qualitative data, too!
QDA for students
QDAcity is an excellent choice for analysing your qualitative data during your final thesis. Not only can you save money by coding your data in QDAcity, but we also provide a beginner friendly, clean user experience that is focused on the essentials you actually need and you can check out our vast help pages for method guidance.
β†’Learn more about QDAcity for students.
QDA for research groups
QDAcity helps you analyse your scientific data with rigor. We offer a professional, clean user experience and many ways of collborating with other researchers on your team. You can create and manage your own user groups and collaboratively code the same data concurrently. We also offer metrics for measuring your Intercoder Agreement amongst you and your other coders.
β†’Learn more about QDAcity for research groups.
QDA for marketing
Market research is not so different from qualitative theory building research. The theory you build is about the perception of a brand, the comparison of different strategies, the testing of a new product? Use QDAcity to analyse your data with more methodological rigor, better documentation and ultimately more reliable results. Try QDAcity instead of analysing your data in Excel.
β†’Learn more about QDAcity for marketing.
Teaching QDA
It can be very complex to teach QDA to students. We know that many courses are therefore limited to a low amount of participants each semester which makes it hard to have it as an mandatory part of a degree. With QDAcity you have the possibility to teach a larger number of students at the same time while automating a part of the grading.
β†’Learn more about QDAcity for teaching.

You are curious about QDAcity now?

Create your free account today, or explore our coding editor demo with no registration required.

Beyond data analysis: why QDAcity is the future

It was our challenge to create software for qualitative data analysis (QDA) that is simple to use while giving users the opportunity to perform an extensive data analysis that satisfies their needs. While using QDAcity ourselfs, we became our harshest critics and created something we are already proud of. And the story continues - We work on QDAcity every day to create a software for qualitative data analysis you wouldn't want to miss.

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