Methode Thematic Analysis | Reference Braun and Clarke (2012) |
Methode Grounded Theory | Reference Corbin and Strauss (2014)Constructivist epistemological perspective:Charmaz (2014) |
Methode Qualitative Survey | Reference Jansen (2010) |
Methode Systematic Literature Review | Reference Kitchenham (2004) |
Member Checking | Member checks require the researcher to mirror the research results to participants of the study to ensure that the results reflect the understanding and experience of the participants. |
Peer Debriefing | Using peer debriefing researchers share their findings, interpretations, and experiences with a group of colleagues or experts in order to gain critical feedback and enhance the rigor and credibility of their work. It involves open discussions, reflection, and constructive criticism aimed at refining the research process and ensuring the validity and reliability of the study's findings. (Spall, 1998). |
Memo Writing | Memo writing is an integral part of the process. You create written records where you document your thoughts, interpretations, and reflections about the data collected during the research. These memos can be part of your audit trail, and they help to coordinate your work in a collaborative research effort. |
Attention to Negative Cases | Attention to negative cases establishes structural corroboration or coherence during the analysis by systematically disconfirming evidence. Researchers actively search for contradicting patterns and explanations. Deviant case analysis and polar sampling support aspects of this practice. |
Investigator Triangulation | Several investigators involve in the analysis process and it is expected that they arrive at the same conclusion (Guion et al., 2011). |
Data Triangulation | Guion et al. (2011)defines data triangulation as: "using different sources of information in order to increase the validity of a study". |
Theory Triangulation | Guion et al. (2011)define the theory triangulation as: "the use of multiple perspectives to interpret a single set of data." |
Environmental Triangulation | Guion et al. (2011)define the environmental triangulation as: "the use of different locations, settings, and other key factors related to the environment in which the study took place, such as the time, day, or season." |
Method Triangulation | Guion et al. (2011)define methodological triangulation as: "the use of multiple qualitative and/or quantitative methods to study the program." |
Referential Adequacy | Establishing referential adequacy requires the gathering of additional data after fieldwork has been concluded in order to compare it with study results (Guba and Lincoln, 1985). |
Thick Description | Thick description in qualitative research refers to a detailed and contextually rich account of a social or cultural phenomenon, capturing not only the surface-level actions and behaviors but also the underlying meanings, symbols, and social dynamics that shape them. It emphasizes the researcher's immersion in the research setting, enabling a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances inherent in the subject of study. |
Reflexivity | Ruby (1980)defines that reflexity requires the researcher to "systematically and rigorously reveal their methodology and themselves as the instrument of data generation" |
Audit Trail | An audit trail is material generated during the research process (Rodgers and Cowles, 1993). |
Intercoder Agreement | Two or more researchers coding the same data. Discrepancies are discussed and resolved to arrive at a shared interpretation of all codes. |
Theoretical Saturation | The state at which the further gathering of data no longer yields novel insight on the phenomenon |
Codebook | A document of codes with definitions of concepts and categories, as well as instructions on when to employ a particular code, and when not to. (MacQueen et al., 1998) |
Prolonged Engagement | Prolonged engagement means spending enough time with the phenomenon being studied to reflect on potential biases and to allow participants to adjust to the situation being studied (Creswell and Poth, 2012) |