What is Credibility in Qualitative Research?

A brief introduction to Credibility

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Definition of Credibility as Criterion of Trustworthiness

Credibility is one of the four key criteria of Trustworthiness in qualitative research according to a naturalistic research paradigm. Credibility refers to the truth value of the findings in a qualitative theory building study (Guba (1981)). Hence, it is closely related to the rationalistic concept of internal validity. However, while internal validity determines truth of the findings as the strength of the inference of a causal relationship between two constructs, and often within an abstracted context, such as a laboratory experiment, the Trustworthiness criterion of credibility requires researchers to employ tactics of ensuring confidence in the plausibility of the results while maintaining a more holistic stance.
Credibility should not be viewed in isolation but should be considered alongside other criteria for trustworthiness in qualitative research. These include Dependability (the consistency and stability of the research process and findings), Confirmability (the objectivity and neutrality of the researcher), and Transferability (the applicability and generalizability of the findings to other contexts).

Strategies to improve Credibility

  • Triangulation: Triangulation involves using multiple data sources, methods, and researchers to examine the research question from various angles. By employing this strategy, researchers can corroborate their findings, reducing the risk of biased interpretations or limited perspectives. Types of triangulation to consider are the following:
  • Prolonged Engagement and persistent observation: Spending an extended period in the research setting allows researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon under study. This extended engagement helps develop rapport with participants, uncover hidden aspects, and enhance the credibility of the research findings.
  • Member checking: Member Checking involves sharing the findings with the participants to validate the accuracy and authenticity of the interpretations. By seeking feedback from participants, researchers can verify the congruence between their interpretations and the participants' experiences, strengthening the credibility of the study.
  • Reflexivity: Researchers engage in reflexivity by critically reflecting on their own biases, assumptions, and preconceptions that may influence the research process and findings. Transparently documenting these reflections enhances the credibility of the research and allows readers to understand the potential impact of the researcher's perspective.
  • Thick Description: Providing rich and detailed descriptions of the research context, participants, and findings helps readers understand the research process and interpretations. Besides strengthening the credibility of the study, such comprehensive descriptions also enable readers to assess the Transferability and applicability of the findings to other contexts.
  • Peer Debriefing: Researchers seek input from their peers or other experts in the field to review and provide critical feedback on their research process, data analysis, and interpretations. Peer Debriefing helps identify potential biases, gaps, or alternative explanations, thus enhancing the credibility of the research findings.

Conclusion on Credibility

Credibility is a vital criterion for establishing Trustworthiness in qualitative research. By demonstrating the accuracy, authenticity, and plausibility of the research findings, researchers enhance their confidence, build trust with participants, and strengthen the overall validity of the study. Employing strategies such as triangulation, Prolonged Engagement, Member Checking, Reflexivity, Thick Description, and peer debriefing, researchers can enhance the credibility of their research.

It is important to note that credibility is not a static characteristic but rather a continuous process that requires ongoing attention throughout the research journey. Researchers should be aware of potential biases, challenges, and limitations that may arise and take appropriate measures to address them. By employing these strategies, researchers can improve the rigor and Trustworthiness of their qualitative research.

However, it is also crucial to acknowledge that achieving absolute credibility in qualitative research may be challenging. The subjective nature of qualitative inquiry and the interpretive nature of data analysis introduce inherent complexities and limitations. Researchers must be transparent about the limitations of their study and openly discuss any potential biases or alternative explanations.

In conclusion, credibility plays a crucial role in establishing Trustworthiness in qualitative research. It is essential for researchers to employ various strategies to enhance credibility, such as triangulation, Prolonged Engagement, Member Checking, Reflexivity, Thick Description, and peer debriefing. By doing so, researchers can strengthen the accuracy, authenticity, and plausibility of their findings, ultimately contributing to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields. However, it is important to recognize the inherent complexities and limitations of qualitative research and approach credibility as a continuous and reflective process.

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